Four legendary at the Gondolin Hotel
Libro: Descargar (in spanish)
Audiolibro: Descargar (in spanish, with Camila Sosa Villada & Susy Shock)
June 2021. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Co-produced with Hotel Gondolín and Palais de Glace.

We met with Marlene Wayar, Marisa Acevedo, Zoe López, Viviana Borges in the Gondolin Hotel. They spoke and I wrote down by hand everything they said. Every time they made a pause to inhale, I went to the next line. Each time the person who spoke changed, I used a dialogue line. We met again, we read aloud, we corrected together and we made this free-circulation book, that counts with a virtual version, an audiobook by Camila Sosa Villada and Susy Shock, and a printed versión that is distributed hand by hand.
“Each of us has her own memory and at the same time we have a memory together” "And we have to keep building that memory and we have to keep passing it on" “¡We are a school” “¡The hotel is a body!” “Let’s think the travesti community as a body!” “If we are going to be fashionable, let’s make people hear our voice: And what is that voice going to be like? Which voice is ours?”
Four travestis that fought against police violence, that fought for the first national rights for LGBTIQ+ and that fought to recover the Gondolín Hotel, pass their memory to those who are inventing themselves as transgender people today.
Dedicated to Nadia Echazú: ¡épica travesti!