Soraya Maicoño
Acction: Puel Mapu, mapuche territory that is called Argentina, 2019 to 2023.

Soraya Maicoño is a Mapuche woman who has been carrying out a compilation of the ancestral chants of her people for twenty-five years. Since 2015, she has been the spokesperson for territorial recoveries that faced repression, eviction, and stigma through a process of community self-defense and reaffirmation that had not been seen in Puel Mapu for a long time. She also has the spiritual role of Pillan Kushe: a wise woman who, accompanied by her kultrun, sings the sacred chants in ceremony. Through these different manifestations, her voice gives continuity to knowledge practices that the State tried to exterminate and charges the present with a new form of political spirituality.
We met in 2019, when we made a book together with Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu. Since then we talk daily, welcome each other into our homes, we’ve made books with other communities and shared readings, presentations, and conversations. Our relationship became deeper and deeper until one day we were made aware that we are siblings from the future.
Throughout these four years, from time to time we sat down and she talked to me. I wrote down by hand everything she said and each time she paused to inhale I moved on to a new line. In March 2023 we got together to reread those texts. We gave them an order, we corrected together and made this book.