Argentina, 1990.
His work is made of words and people. Through various procedures, it generates publications and encounters that detonate political disputes, listening practices, and experiments with language.
Since 2015 he has carried out a work called Reunion, which has made co-productions with spaces such as Museo Reina Sofía (Spa), Fundación Proa, Palais de Glace (Arg) and Bikini Wax (Mex). Reunion has published eleven books, which have been translated into English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Arabic, Urdu, Darija, and Euskera.
He has taught workshops and seminars at the National University of the Arts, Center for Artistic Research, Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, University of La Plata (Arg), SOMA (Mex), NYU, University of California (Usa), among many others. He is a professor in the master Tejidos Conjuntivos at the Reina Sofía Museum (Spa).
He has given conferences and presentations at New York University, Princeton, uPenn (USA), Casa de las Américas (Cuba) and the Tamayo Museum (Mex).
His visual work was exhibited in Argentina, Paraguay, Mexico and Canada.
He published the books of poems Y Las Fuerzas del Desorden (Neutrinos, 2023), Selección Sudamericana por la muerte & Post-Natural (Juan Malasuerte, 2014-5); & the experimental series The Complete Questions (Gato Negro Ediciones, 2016-2022).
He has released the musical albums Dos Personas (2018) & Estrellas, Piernas y Serpientes (2023).
He has translated books by Frank O'Hara, Angela Davis, and Shawn Vandor.
He has been recognised by the Braque Prize, the National Fund for the Arts and the Ministry of Culture (Arg), among others. In 2023 he was elected Distinguished Latin American Writer by the University of California (USA)
Other works:
MOTHER EAR: My jewish question
The collected questions of Angela Davis
The complete questions of Lamborghini
The complete questions of Cecilia Pavón