A counter-narrative to the repressive doctrine
Action: August 2018, La Boca, Buenos Aires
Book: Download (in Spanish)
Chapbook: Download (in Spanish)
Audiobook: Download (in Spanish, with Paula Trama and Leandro Tartaglia)
Exhibition: September 2018, Proa21, Fundación proa, Argentina.

On December 8, 2017, in La Boca, Buenos Aires, police officer Luis Chocobar shot Juan Pablo Kukoc to death. He was an eighteen-year-old who had stolen a camera from a US tourist. Since then, the State and the hegemonic media have portrayed Chocobar as a hero, and Macri’s government repressive policy is named Chocobar Doctrine.
I met Ivonne, Juan Pablo’s mother, walking around La Boca. We spent an afternoon drinking Coca-Cola and eating medialunas. We made a book together: she spoke and I wrote by hand everything she said very quickly. Every time she stopped to take a breath, I started a new line. A few days later, the book was out. We did a presentation in the streets, traffic was interrupted with trash cans. Ivonne, Belén (Pablo’s sister) and some other neigbours, read the text seated in a round of nine chais. We made an audiobook with Leandro Tartaglia and Paula Trama. Then we did a new edition among with Esteban Rodriguez Alzueta, Luci Cavallero, Verónica Gago, Ileana Arduino, Dana Rosenzvit, La Negra Quinto and Juguetes Perdidos.